Monday, December 28, 2009

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

I have not seen her in about 3 years. We were friends from about 12 to 16 years old. But her mom and my mom stop being friends so I have not seen her since.

Last year though I found her on myspace and said we should do something but we did not.

About 1 week ago I found her on myspace again and said this...

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

well i don't think writing to her was a mistake... after all you just told her how you feel and there's nothing wrong with that... the worst that can happen is she will tell you she doesn't feel the same way but you at least will know you tried... hope she writes back... best of luck...

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

Hell yeah she wrote back, we are going to get together soon. Report It

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

you have been apart 2 long to be in remember her and what you felt then so when you saw her you fell back in the and she have probably changed in many areas after 3 years.....sorry just guessing

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

Wait for a reply. If she feels the same way, ask for her number, call her, and set up a date. Maybe you can get back together, or if she just wants to be friends, at least you could do that. Good luck!

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

Go for it! You did the right thing, bud!

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

well if she really wants to go out and do something with you she will show up on your door step or she will call you

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

I dont think it is too late.

That way you will find out how she feels about you.

Good Luck

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

Dat waz soooooooooooo cute. I think u are not 2 late. Writing 2 her was not a mistake, after all, u did write 2 her 'bout how u feel 'bout her and if she really likes u she needs 2 say somethin' 2 u and let u knw how she feels. Maybe, she will feel da same. Ask her 2 meet u somewhere sooooo ya'll 2 can talk. Hope she likes u back. Aight!!!!

Goooooood Luck!!!!!!

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

Boy I wish you would have asked a question BEFORE sending that email.

check your myspace mail, if it says she read it, and did not respond that means time to move on.

One mistake most guys make is thinking sending a love letter to a girl they barely know will win their heart. I've done it too, it only works in movies. I know you sort of know this girl, but in reality girls have pretty short memories with things like this. She probably only views you as the son of a friend of her moms.

She has lived a whole full 3 years of life since you've last seen her, that's a lot of people and things happening that have shaped her from who you knew to who she is today. You really don't know her anymore and you have to accept that.

You shouldn't have sent that letter, you probably said too much at once. You need to reestablish a relationship before you drop a bomb that big.

But hey, it's out there, she there is still a small chance she is just rolling it around in her head. But you should be preparing yourself to accept that it is over. Get ready to move on.

I Think I am in love but I have not seen her in about 3 years....?

She might have a boyfriend. Even if her status is Single.

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