Saturday, November 28, 2009

Stupid myspace abbreviations?

What does (Y) mean?

And is (L) mean love?

What other abbrv are there so i will know next time someone writes them?

Stupid myspace abbreviations?

(Y) is internet slang for raising your thumb. as in thumbs up

(L) means a heart, or love, etc.

Stupid myspace abbreviations?

y means 'why'

Stupid myspace abbreviations?

if someone told you ily

that means i love you!

Stupid myspace abbreviations?

depends how they are writing it. Y can mean WHY or YES

Stupid myspace abbreviations?

The Y with brackets looks like a butt to me why don't you ask the person that left the comment? They would probably know better than we do.

Stupid myspace abbreviations?

UMMM that coulda ment Yes or Why

The (L) coulda ment Love?!

alot of peple uses werid smilies like :X LOL

FYI means for your information

MIA means missing in action

BRB be right back

G2G got to go

ROLF means rolling on the floor laughing

TYT means take your time

LAWL new world for lol

Stupid myspace abbreviations?

L means love because on messenger if you type (L), a little picture of a heart comes up, (Y) is a thumbs up, or yes.

Stupid myspace abbreviations?

If some one said like ilu...that means i love you..thats probably what they were going for...or just you..

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